Reblog - Willem Toet - What did I do in Formula 1?
Picture from 1993. Most people don’t know how much force can be generated by aerodynamics so I explain that I worked in Formula 1 running an aerodynamics group whose main role is to reduce lap time for our cars. A Formula 1 car can generate its own weight in downforce at about the European motorway speed limit – and about 4 times that at double motorway speeds. This aerodynamic force allows the car to dramatically increase tyre vertical load, while only having to accelerate the weight of the car itself. As it makes so much difference, aerodynamics dictates a huge proportion of the layout of the car so in many ways we’re almost fully responsible for the car’s design. Aerodynamics makes over 20% difference to the lap time of a Formula 1 car despite technical regulations designed to limit the benefits.
This is reblogged from Willem's LinkedIn account with his permission:
For UK followers of the blog the following opportunities exist for anyone interested in Willem's work...
2 Dec 18:30 to 20:30 plus Oxford - Free public lecture - F1 Performance, Design and (maily) Aerodynamics see There will be some entertaining stories and time for questions. Free, book early. This is the one to aim for if you work as it starts at 6:30 pm for 7 pm talk start point. Organised by the IMechE. Some refreshments available from 6:30 pm. Questions and discussion due to finish at 20:30 but I'm happy to discuss any questions you may have for a bit longer. I will bring additional material so we have the potential to illustrate answers to questions.
4 Dec - 13:00 - 17:00 approx. Southampton University (Building 45 room 0045 which should be on the ground floor and is a large lecture theater - see site map here Guests welcome and free. First lecture is similar to the one on the 2nd - Formula 1 performance, design, & aerodynamics. This does not require specialist knowledge. Would be suitable for higher school pupils, motorsport enthusiasts, engineering students and engineers. After the first lecture we then focus more on the use of CFD to develop a race car (aimed at university students but anyone using CFD may find it interesting) and how new aerodynamic testing restrictions (in the FiA regulations) are changing the approach F1 teams are taking to aerodynamic development. There will also be discussions with the Formula Student team which are probably not open to all.