Sauber team have already highlighted the fact that they plan to
introduce a large upgrade package for the 2nd
pre-season test in Bahrain. I won't go as far to say that the C33
looked basic but at Jerez the car did look a little sparse when
compared to it's predecessor and their opposition.
The thing that
sprang out for me was the lack of sidepod airflow conditioners,
whilst the shoulders of the sidepods were fitted with a small bullet
shaped appendage (Inset). The C33's sidepod profile is atypical from the
rest of the field with a very square outer edge providing a boxy
outline to the C33's sidepod. That being said the sidepod still
features a decent inlet undercut allowing airflow to move around the
sidepod to the rear of the floor into the coke bottle region. The
flat side surface of the sidepod is conducive to isolating the flow
below it and encouraging flow to stay within the boundary of the top
surface of the Sidepod. The 'Shoulder Bullet' meanwhile will aid in
this regime, deflecting the airflow dispatched by the front tyres and
utilising it longitudinally along the sidepod. At the rear of the
bullet we find a flattened section that seemingly houses a detachable
panel. This may simply be a connecting element the team will use to
affix an Airflow Conditioner to in their upgrade package, or it's
viable it could be uncovered and used as a cooling chimney, releasing
internal airflow from the sidepod (as previously used by the team on
the C30 and by McLaren this season on the MP4-29)